Pax aanwezigheid bij de Feminist March

Als Quakers lopen wij samen met Pax bij de Feminist March in Amsterdam. Hieronder meer informatie.


5 maart 2023


De Dam, Amsterdam

Hoe laat?


Hoe laat verzamelen?


Waar verzamelen?

Bij het metrostation voor de centrale ingang van Amsterdam Centraal

Waarom? Vrede, vrijheid en democratie kunnen alleen bestaan in een gelijke wereld! Wanneer niet alle genders meegenomen worden in vredesprocessen, ontstaat er onstabiele vrede die makkelijk kan breken. Daarom organiseert PAX een Vredesblok tijdens de nationale Feminist March. Dan gaan we samen de straat op voor feministische vrede en steunen wij activisten wereldwijd die zich inzetten voor democratie, vrijheid en mensenrechten! đŸȘ§


Meld je hier aan:


Licht in de organisatie: Vrede in onszelf en Vrede in het Genootschap

“Onze Vredesspieren trainen”

Lieve Vrienden

Hierbij nodigen we jullie uit voor de bijeenkomst in Amersfoort op 26 november.
De bedoeling is om verder te oefenen met onze Quakermanieren. Zoals op de bijeenkomst 2 oktober in Amsterdam.
We hebben het volgende programma bedacht, waar we flexibel mee omgaan. Hierdoor is er ruimte voor inbreng van de groep.
Graag aanmelden bij het secretariaat:

De Commissie Organisatie in het Licht bereidt een zinvol en mooi programma voor.

Alvast een impressie van Erik hoe we onze vredesspieren kunnen trainen!

Met Vriendengroet
Commissie Licht in de Organisatie Peter, Frieda en Marlies


10.30 welkom met koffie en koek
11.00- 11.45 Wijdingssamenkomst
11.45-12.45 kleine groepen: gesprek vanuit de Stilte

Hoe ervaren we vrede in onszelf en hoe oefen je dat?

Welke vragen zouden we graag willen bespreken vanmiddag? 12.45 tot 13.30 Lunch: soep met eigen mee gebrachte boterhammen 13.30 – 14.30 plenair: Gesprek uit de Stilte (Vrede in het Genootschap) 14.30 – 15.00 Thee pauze
15.00 – 16.00 plenair. Gesprek uit de Stilte (??)
16.00 – 16.30 Afronding in Stilte


Meditatie betekent hier: met eigen gedachten en vanuit je persoonlijke levensvisie en/of geloof je richten op Vrede en Vrijheid

Iedere eerste en derde woensdag van de maand aanvang 19.00 uur

Na een korte inleiding
volgt een gezamenlijke vredes meditatie van ca.30 minuten

deur open vanaf circa 18.45

Stadhouderslaan 8 2517HW s’Gravenhage

aanmelden en informatie:

Bibliotheek Amsterdam

De bibliotheek van de Amsterdamse Maandvergadering bevindt zich in het Quaker centrum op de Vossiusstraat 20. Bezoekers van de stille bijeenkomst nemen daar na afloop graag een kijkje en lenen soms een boek.

Aalders, C.Onze Vader: over het volmaakte gebed
Abbott, Margery PostAn experiment in faith: Quaker women transcending differences
Adams, TonyA far-seeing vision: the Socialist Quaker Society (1898-1924)
Alexander, Horace GundryGandhi remembered
Alexander, Nancy C.Practicing compassion for the stranger
Allen, BethGround and spring: foundations of Quaker discipleship
Allen, Irene AllenQuaker testimony
Allen, RichardSilence and speech: an open letter to a newcomer
Alley, ElisabethA Light to Walk By: Anthology from and for Quakers of All Ages
Allott, StephenJohn Wilhelm Rowntree 1868-1905 and the beginnings of modern Quakerism
Alter, Robert; Kermode, FrankThe literary guide to the Bible
Ambler, R. A.; Quaker Home ServiceThe end of words: issues in contemporary Quaker theology
Ambler, RexThe relevance of Gandhi in the West
American Friends Service CommitteePeace in Vietnam: a new approach in Southeast Asia
American Friends Service CommitteeIndians of California. Past and present.
American Friends Service CommitteeThe United States and the Soviet Union: some Quaker proposals for peace
Anala, SarahThe riches that are possible: the spiritual journey in one native experience
Anderson, Paul N.Navigating the living waters of the Gospel of John: on wading with children ...
Anderson, V. B.Friends and relations: three centuries of Quaker families
Andrews, Charles FreerC. F. Andrews: representative writings
Anet, DanielPierre Ceresole, passionate peacemaker
Anita WuytsFriendly advice on Quaker ways
Ansermoz-Dubois, VioletteAux sources du quakerisme avec Margaret Fell-Fox
Ansermoz-Dubois, VioletteJohn Woolman, pĂšlerin de l'absolu
Ansermoz-Dubois, Violette; Monastier, HélÚneHélÚne Monastier: salut & joie : centiÚme anniversaire de sa naissance
Antoch, Robert; Religiösen Gesellschaft der Freunde (QuÀker)Halte lieb deinen Genossen, dir Gleich: ICH bin's
Austin, Philip; Brockbank, Nova; Westgate, Caroline; The peace papersNorthern Friends Peace Board
Apsey, Lawrence S.; Bristol, James E.; Eppler, KarenTransforming power for peaceAlternatives to Violence Project
Arriens, JanWelcome to hell: letters and other writings by prisoners on death row in the ...
Arriens, JanJourneys in the Light
van As-Arioni, Antonie; OV-ACATBidden met gemartelden
Australian Society of Friends StaffThis We Can Say: Australian Quaker Life, Faith and Thought
Arvio, CynthiaQuakerism: a view from the backbenches
Backstrom, KirstenIn beauty: a Quaker approach to end-of-life care
Bacon, Margaret HopeBelief into action, action into belief: religious and political aspects of effective peacemaking
Baers, JorisEncyclopedie van de mystiek: fundamenten, tradities, perspectieven
Bagley, ChristopherCommunity relations in the Netherlands - a model for Britain?
Bailey , J. E. BrendaA Quaker couple in Nazi Germany: Leonhard Friedrich survives Buchenwald
Baillie, JohnA diary of readings: being an anthology of pages suited to engage serious ...
Bakh, Emily GreenThe holy fire
Balling, PieterLyset pa Lysestaken (Het Licht op de kandelaar 1662) Met inleiding door Inez Boom
Banks, John; Weitsch, MartinaMeeting gay friends
Barclay, ChristianAn introduction to the life and works of George Fox
Barclay, RobertLa lumiÚre intérieure, source de vie: Apologie de la vraie théologie ...
Barnes, KennethScience, Poetry and the incarnation
Barnes, Kenneth C.From chaos to creation: new thought in science and religion : reason for ...
Barrett, LenaVoices from the shadows
Barry MorleyBeyond consensus: salvaging sense of the meeting
Bartlett, Percy W.; Savage, Eric W.Towards a Quaker restatement
Bassuk, Daniel E.Abraham Lincoln and the Quakers
Bedfordshire General Meeting (Society of Friends : Bedfordshire, England)Inventing heaven?: Quakers confront the challenges of genetic engineering
Beerits, Henry C.The United Nations and human survival
Beguin, Maz-HenriLa non-violence active
Behrend, EliseChristliches Leben, Glauben und Denken in der Gesellschaft der Freunde ...
Bell, Colin W.Where service begins: a talk to a group of Friends and non-Friends at ...
Bellers, John; Clarke, GeorgeJohn Bellers: his life, times, and writings
Bender, Harold Stauffer; BrĂŒsewitz, Carl Friedrich;De doperse visie Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep
Benson, LewisThe Quaker vision
Benson, LewisCatholic Quakerism: a vision for all men
Benson, LewisFriends and the truth
Benson, LewisProphetic Quakerism
Berg, M. Waiting for justice: a survey of regimes and regulations for ..., Deel 2Quaker Council for European Affairs
van den Berg, Bas; Nieuwerth, KeesGods vrede wint de strijd: over vredesgetuigenis en vredesbeleid
Bernadotte, FolkeInstead of arms: 2:nd impr
Bieber, NancyCommunion for a Quaker, Volume 331
Bielby, Morwenna RaysonLady in prison
Bien, PeterTempted by happiness: Kazantzakis' post-Christian Christ
Bien, PeterWords, wordlessness and the word: silence reconsidered from a literary point ...
Bien, PeterOn retiring to Kendall (and beyond)
Birchard, BruceThe burning one-ness binding everything: a spiritual journey
Birkel, Michael LawrenceMysticism and activism: learning from John WoolmanWider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.), Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Blackmar, Mary K.The twofold Gospel Friends General Conference (U.S.)
Bleakley, DavidIreland and Britain 1690-1990: a search for peace Fellowship of Reconciliation (Great Britain)
Bleeke, Annis; Spencer, CaroleIdentity, Authority and Community
Boeke-Cadbury, BeatriceHet leven van Kees Boeke
Boeke, J.; Smit, C.Inventarissen v.d. archieven v. Cornelis en Beatrice Boeke-Cadbury en de Werkplaats 1921-1984St. Beheer IISG
Boeke, Kees; van Kampen, LieuweDe Wijdere Quakergemeenschap 1949-1990
Boeke, MayaTimber, herinneringen aan mijn bijzondere vriendschap met een wolf
Boerwinkel, F.Kerk en secte
von Borries, Achim; Quaker Home Service, American Friends Service CommitteeQuiet helpers: Quaker service in postwar Germany
Bok, CurtisThe United States and the Soviet Union: a report on the controlling factors ...American Foundation. Committee on Russian-American Relations
Boschma, HilbrandtVergeving of vergelding
Bossert, JeannetteIndia: land, people, and culture
Boulding, EliseThe joy that is set before us
Boulding, Elise; Clóvis Brigagão; Clements, Kevin P.Peace culture and society: transnational research and dialogue
Boulding, Kenneth EwartMending the world: Quaker insights on the social order
Boulding, Kenneth Ewart;There is a spirit: the Nayler sonnets Asociación de Amigos de los Amigos
Boulton, David;The faith of a Quaker humanist Quaker Universalist Group
Bownas, SamuelA description of the qualifications necessary to a gospel minister ...
Brayshaw, Shipley NeaveThe total abolition of unemployment: an address to a conference of the ...
Bremer, H.; Buter, E.M. Sr., Franck, J.J.; de Graaf, J.Geweldloze weerbaarheid [door H. Bremer, E.M. Buter Sr., J.J. Franck e.a ...
Brett, BernardA Passing Traveller: The Life of Bernard Brett (1935-1982) in His Own Words
Brett,Rachel; McCallin,Margaret Quaker United Nations Office
Children the invisible soldiers
Breukel, ThomStilte atlas van Nederland: meer dan 100 plaatsen om tot rust te komen
Brimelow, E. M.In and Out the Silence
Brimelow, M.ElizabethFriendly facers: talking over some Quaker advices
Brinton, HowardFriends for 300 years: Beliefs & practice of society of friends since George ...
Brinton, H.H.Historical update and notes: Margaret Hope Bacon
Brinton, Howard H.Quaker Journals
Brinton, Howard HainesThe World Council and the creedless church Friends General Conference (U.S.). Committee on Christian Unity
Britain Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)Documents in advance, also including testimonies and epistles
Brown, Harrison; Real, James;Community of fearCenter for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Brown, Judith ReynoldsGod's spirit in nature
Brown, Margaret; Boulding, Elise; DuBois, Rachel; Foulds, Elfrida; Hole, Helen; Jones, Mary Hoxie; Newman, Daisy; Vining, Elizabeth; Watson, ElizabethNine contemporary Quaker Women Speak
Browne, Gordon M.Today was the future yesterday
BrĂŒckner, HorstErfĂŒlltes Leben: dem GedĂ€chtnis von Emil Fuchs (13.5.1874-13.2.1971 ...
BrĂŒckner, HorstAuf dass wir leben
Bryers, PhilipQuakers in Scotland: an anthology of the thoughts and activities of the ...
Buch, B. B.November-Geschichten: [November-] Tales
Burger, H., Studenten, Dietsch CongressVrede en fierheid: toespraak ter gelegenheid van het zestiende Dietsch ...
Burtt, Lucy M.Our Christian witness
Buscombe, RoyalA little lower than the angels
Buzzard, AnthonyIsrael and the Arabs: the way forward ; including summary of the historic ...
Cadbury, Beatrice C.Emma Richard Cadbury 1846-1907Private Edition
Cadbury, Elizabeth MaryWoodbrooke presidential address, 1927
Cadbury, Henry JoelThe eclipse of the historical Jesus
Cadbury, Henry JoelThe book of Acts in history
Caspers, Lutz"Uneben, gefĂ€hrdet, behĂŒtet": vom Mosaik meines Lebens
Campens, MiesDe Nederlandse archieven van het Intl. Instituut v. Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG)Van Gennep
Carroll, Kenneth LaneTouched by God in Quaker meeting
Carroll, Kenneth LaneTouched by God in Quaker meeting
Carroll, Kenneth LaneThe creative centre of Quakerism
Cassirer, Heinrich WalterGod's new covenant: a New Testament translation
Catchpool, CorderOn two fronts: letters of a conscientious objector
Chakravarty, Amiya ChandraThe Indian testimony
Chandler, SarahThe never broken treaty: Quaker witness and testimony on aboriginal title ...
Chance, HaroldThe convenant of peace: a Jewish witnessFriends General Conference
Chance, HaroldBrief discussion outline of the Historic peace testimony of the Religious ...
Chatterton, Arthur JosephThe supreme friend: a prayer manual
Chignell, M. A.The Universal Jesus
Clark, JoannaEminently Quakerly: The Building of Friends House
Clark, GeorgePeople, technology and unemployment: a brief study of the past, a look at ...
Cohen,John Michael; Phipps, J-F.; Franken, VivianDe mystieke ervaring: belevingen van mystici en andere gewone mensen
Comfort, William WistarJust among Friends: the Quaker way of life
Conti-Entin, CarolImprovisation & spiritual disciplines: continuing the divine-human duet
Conti, AngelinaSpirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices
Cooper, Wilmer AlbertA new people to be gathered in the power of the Lord
Cooper, Wilmer AlbertA living faith: an historical study of Quaker beliefs
Cooper, Wilmer AlbertThe testimony of integrity in the religious Society of Friends
Coppock, Homer J.The seed of God
Corbett, JimThe sanctuary church
Court, DonaldLeading a double life
Cox, GrayBearing witness: Quaker process and a culture of peace
Crijns, H.Barmhartigheid en gerechtigheid: handboek diaconiewetenschap
Cronk, Sandra LeeGospel order: a Quaker understanding of faithful church community
Crauderueff, Elaine J., Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Adult Religious Education CommitteeQuakerism: experience it!--a curriculum for adults
Curle, AdamRecognition of Reality
Curle, AdamTools for transformation: a personal study
Curo, AnneMeditations on the prayer of St. Francis
Dale, JonathanBeyond the spirit of the age: Quaker social responsibility at the end of the ...
Dale, JonathanQuaker social testimony in our personal and corporate life
van Dalfsen, Gerardina LucieVan kleine lichtjes der bevrijding en het groote licht der liefde
Darlington, Derek en RachelUnemployment. What can we do?
Davis, Christine A.M.Minding the Future
Dee, S.P.; Schoneveld, J.Concordantie op het Oude en Nieuwe Testament / druk 1: in de NBG-vertaling
Dewes, Kate, Green, RobertAotearoa/New Zealand at the World Court
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eberhard BethgeWiderstand und Ergebung: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft
Dommen, ÉdouardLes Quakers
Dommen, Edward; The peace testimony and violence in the world economy: some food for thoughtFriends World Committee for Consultation. Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Doncaster, L. HughThe single woman in Society
Dorothy Nimmo, Sessions Book TrustA testimony to the Grace of God in the life of James Nayler 1618-1660
Dossor, Howard F.The existential theology of Nikos Kazantzakis
Droog, TheaBarend mini quasimodo, zeeman en avonturier
Drost, JeromeIndex of Pendle Hill pamphlets, 1934-1994
Durham, GeoffreyThe Spirit of the Quakers
Durland, William R.The apocalyptic witness: a radical calling for our own times
Duveneck, Josephine WhitneyQuest (five): personal religious thought
East Africa Yearly Meeting of FriendsThe Society of Friends in East Africa
Eastland, Basil; Edwards, Derek; Sainty, DavidVolunteers for peace: field reports on relief work in Europe, 1944 to 1949 ...
Eccles, Peter J.;The presence in the midst: reflections on discernment Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Britain Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)
Eichenberg, FritzArtist on the witness stand
Elam, JenniferDancing with God through the storm: mysticism and mental illness
Elford, Ricardo; Corbett, JimThe servant church
Ellis, GeorgeFaith, Hope and Doubt in Times of Uncertainty: Combining the Realms of ...
Ellwood, Gracia FayBatter my heart
Elzinga, Chris; Hogenhuis, C. T.Grond onder onze voeten: christelijke spiritualiteit en intimiteit met de natuur
Enyart, Paul C.Friends in Central America
Ehrhart, William DanielGoing back: a poet who was once a marine returns to Vietnam
Etten, Henry VanGeorge Fox et les Quakers
Faber, Mient JanDagboekaantekeningen
Fager, Charles EugeneA man who made a difference: the life of David H. Scull
Farneth, SallyOpening Doors to Quaker Worship
Farrow, JoThe World in My Heart: A Personal Exploration of Spirituality and Awareness
Fast, Howard; Spaamer, HannieDe huursoldaat
Fawell, Ruth M.Courage to grow
Feagins, Mary E. B.Tending the light
Fell-Fox, Margaret AskewA sincere and constant love: an introduction to the work of Margaret Fell
Fernåndez G., Loida E.Variations on a theme by FoxWider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Foster, RichardMoney, Sex and Power
Fox,Barclay, Brett, R. L.Barclay Fox's journal
Fox, CarolineThe journals of Caroline Fox 1835-71: a selection
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George vol. 1 The Journal dl. 1
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 2 The Journal dl. 2
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 3 The great mystery
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 4 Doctrinals dl. 1
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 5 Doctrinals dl. 2
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 6 Doctrinals dl. 3
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 7 Epistles dl. 1
Fox, GeorgeThe works of George Fox vol. 8 Epistles dl. 2
Fox, GeorgeThe Journal of George Foxed. Rufus Jones
Friends General Conference (U.S.)A directory for traveling Friends 1994-1995
Friends General Conference (U.S.). Religious Education CommitteeQuakers on the move: a storybook of Quaker history from 1652 to today
Friedman, Maurice S.The covenant of peace: a Jewish witness
Friends House (London, England)Discussing alternatives to military intervention: reports from a Quaker ...
Friends House LondonQuaker work in 1985, annual reports, testimonies
Friends World Committee for ConsultationFriends in Europe: handbook of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Europe
Friends World Committee for ConsultationIn spirit and in truth: faith in action; studies in preparation for the ...
Friends World Committee for ConsultationFaith in action: encounters with friends : report from the Fifth World ...
Friends World Committee for ConsultationHandbook of the Religious Society of Friends
Fry, Joan M.Suggested thoughts on Paul's letters to Christians in Rome.Fry London
Fardelmann, CharlotteSink down to the seed
Faulkner, HughChrist - Power and peacemaker
Finch, SuzanneA Quaker testimony to the earth? Is there a new Quaker testimony evolving ...
Fisher, SimonSpirited living: waging conflict, building peace
Flannery, Maureen A.Profession and practice: Quaker perspectives on healing ministry
Fritsche, HerbertAus der Gnadegeschichte einer StÀtte
Fromm, ErichWar within man: a psychological enquiry into the roots of destructiveness; a ...
Fry, Anna RuthThree visits to Russia, 1922-1925
Gallery, John AndrewReflections from a prayer vigil for peace
Gates, TomSickness, suffering, and healing: more stories from another place
Gates,Tom; Gates, LizStories from Kenya
Gates, Tom; Gates, Liz; Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)Teach me your way, oh LordFriends World Committee for Consultation.
Garver, Newton; Reitan, EricNonviolence and community: reflections on the Alternatives to Violence Project
General Meeting for Australia,The Quaker wayEducation Committee
Gilman, Harvey ed.The outreach manual
de Graaf, JohannesDe weg van de vrede: balans van een kwart eeuw vredeswerk
Grabandt, Leonard ; Gottlieb ChristiaanChristelijke traditie als grensverkeer: oecumenisch leren in opvoeding ...Werkgroep Godsdienstige Vorming
Graham, John WilliamFriedenshelden im Weltkrieg ; Graham, John W[illiam] ; Die Geschichte d ...
Graham, MaureenWomen of power and presence: the spiritual formation of four Quaker women ...
Green, Thomas FarrimondChristian affirmations in a changing world
Greenwood, OrmerodWilliam Blake as prophet
Grubb, EdwardThe Bible; its nature and inspiration
Grubb, MollieQuakers observed in prose and verse: an anthology, 1656-1986
Greenwood, O., Wynn-Wilson, A.The Quaker tapestry: a celebration of insights
Gibbins, Margaret S.Sucht, Findet, Teilt: jetzt ist die Zeit
de Graaf, Hannes; Tichelaar, Paul A.; Zeldenrust, HarryIn dienst van de vrede: Opstellen bjeengebracht ter gelegenheid van de ...
Groeneveld, Frits; BrĂŒsewitz, C. F.Van Elspeet naar Mennorode: hoe een broederschapshuis voort-bouwt
Groom, D. G.The peace testimony today: a study outline prepared by Donald Groom for the ...London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations Committee
Grubb, EdwardDas Wesen des QuÀkertumsEugen Diederichs Jena 1923
Grundy, Martha PaxsonTall poppies: supporting gifts of ministry and eldering in the monthly meeting
Gwyn, DouglasUnmasking the idols: a journey among Friends
Gwyn, DouglasSeekers found: atonement in early Quaker experience
Hadley, Herbert M., Quakers world wide: a history of Friends World Committee for ConsultationFriends World Committee for Consultation
Halle, Anna Sabine"Thoughts are free": a Quaker youth group in Nazi Germany
Halle, Anna Sabine"Die Gedanken sind frei ..." Eine Jugendruppe d. Berliner QuÀker, 1935-1941
Halliday, RobertMind the oneness
Harnden, PhilLetting That Go, Keeping This: The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Fritz Eichenberg
Harris, Henry WilsonCaroline Fox: With five illustrations and a map
de Hartog, JanDe kinderen
Hayden, JudithIn search of Margaret Fell
Heales, Brenda Clifft; Cook, ChrisImages and silence: the future of Quaker ministry
Heath, CarlThe Free Spirit
Heath, Effie MargaretThe story of Lucy Stone: pioneer
Heath, HarrietAnswering that of God in our children
Heathfield, MargaretBeing together: our corporate life in the Religious Society of Friends
Hegde, PandurangChipko and Appiko: how the people save the trees
Helmut Ockel, Helga TempelRadikale Hoffnung: Stimmen zur Friedenshaltung deutscher QuÀker heute
Hermann, EvaIn prison - yet freeFriends Home Service Committee
Heron, AlastairGifts and Ministries: Discussion Paper on Eldership
Heron, AlastairThe Quakers: yesterday, today and - tomorrow?Quaker Outreach in Yorkshire
Heron, AlastairQuakers in Britain: a century of change 1895-1995
Heron, AlastairNow we are Quakers: the experience and views of new members
Heron,Alastair, Quaker Home Service, Woodbrooke CollegeCaring, conviction, commitment: dilemmas of Quaker membership today
Hetherington, RalphUniversalism and spirituality
Hewison, H.Hedge of wild almonds: South Africa, the Pro-Boers & the Quaker conscience ...
Hewitt, JoanLending a hand in Holland in 1945-1946
Hillegass, Robert W.Nonviolence on trial
Hinshaw, David (1882)Rufus Jones, Master Quaker
Hobday, TeresaRediscovering Prayer: Chloe Meets Priscilla
Hobling, Margaret BlancheGod's control of nature and history. Daily bible reading notes
Holden, David E. W.Friends divided: conflict and division in the Society of Friends
Horn, Helen SteereThere is a fountain: a Quaker life in process
Hostetter, C. DouglasThe Bosnian Student Project: a response to genocide
Hubbard, GeoffreyPatterns and Examples: Quaker Attitudes and European Opportunities
Hudson, W. H.Whittier and His Poetry
Huisman, Evert A.Naar een cultuur van vrede en geweldloosheid: conflicten geweldloos oplossen
Halle, OlgaWas vesteht man unter einer QuÀkergruppe?
Hatton, JeanGeorge Fox: The Founder of the Quakers
Heath, CarlReligion und öffentliches leben
Hendrikse, K.Geloven in een God die niet bestaat: manifest van een atheĂŻstische dominee
Henslowe, PhilipNinety years on: an account of the Bournville Village Trust
Heron, Alastair;Dilemmas of Quaker membership todayQuaker Resources for Learning
Hilsley, WilliamWhen joy and pain entwine: reminiscences
Hobbs, Marian; Mouana, Bakamana; Valentine, Lonnie;Being faithful witnesses to our Friends peace testimony: serving God in a ... Friends World Committee for Consultation. Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Holtom, PleasanceThe gift of God which is within thee
Holtzappfel, K.; van Leeuwen, M.De Remonstrantie 400 jaar: ontstaan, historie, actualiteit
Houtepen, A.; Noordegraaf, H.; Bosman-Huizinga, M.Waakvlam van de Geest: 40 jaar Raad van Kerken in Nederland
Howard R. MacyRhythms of the Inner Life
Howard, Elizabeth FoxDas Wirken der QuÀker wÀhrend der Kriegszeit
Hoyer, W.G.; Hubbeling, H.G.Drie wijzen van geloven
Hutchinson, Dorothy Hewitt, Friends General Conference (U.S.)Friends and service
IJspeert, M.De quakers / druk 1
Inja, CorGeen cel ketent deze dromen: een dagboek over ideaal en werkelijkheid van de ...
Institute of Quaker StudiesThe three m's of Quakerism: meeting - message - missionEarlham School of Religion (Richmond, Ind.).
Ishitani, SusumuSelf-giving love. From an address on justice, peace and integrity of creation
Jahn, Gunnar; Cadbury, Henry; Backhouse, MargareteDrawing on source eternal. Lectures given on the occasion of the Nobel Peace prize to the RSoF
Johnson, StanleyQuaker work for prisoners of war in South-West France 1945-1948
Johnstone, Kenneth; Britain and the Common Market: a Christian viewBritish Council of Churches. Dept. of International Affairs, Conference of British Missionary Societies
de Jonge, MarinusJezus als Messias: hoe Hij zijn zending zag
Jones, Rufus MatthewGeistige Reformatoren: des Sechzehnten und Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts
Jones, Mary HoxieSatisfied to see, poetry.
Jones, Mary HoxieBeyond this stone
Jones, R.M.; Mok, D.De Quakers. beeld van een kleine humanitaire religie met grote invloed ...
Jones, Rufus ; Gummere, Amelia M.; Sharpless, IsaacThe Quakers in the american colonies
Jones, Rufus MatthewGeorge Fox: Seeker and Friend
Jordan, AnnHidden Voices: Working Creatively with Conflict
Kavanagh, JenniferCall of the Bell Bird: A Quaker Travels the World
Kavanagh, JenniferNew Light: 12 Quaker Voices
Keane, SheilaPrayer: beginning again
Kelly, Thomas R.A Testament of Devotion
Kelly, Thomas RaymondThe eternal promise: a sequel to A testament of devotion
Kelly, Thomas RaymondThe light within: from A testament of devotion
Kelly, Thomas RaymondThe simplification of life
Kelsey, Morton T.A little child shall lead them
Kenworthy, Leonard StoutSixteen Quaker leaders speak
Kenworthy, Leonard StoutQuakerism, a study guide on the Religious Society of Friends
Kilpack, GilbertThe radiance and risks of mythmaking
King, Martin Luther (Pfarrer, BĂŒrgerrechtler), Martin Luther King (Pastor, Civil rights activist), Martin Luther King (Pasteur, DĂ©fenseur des droits de l'homme)Stride toward freedom: the Montgomery story
Kirkby, JoannaThe two oceans: the dark and the light
Knockwood, NoelWhere words come from
Knowles, PatServas, 1949 - 1989: an experiment in peace building Servas (Organization)
Koelega, Dick; Drees, Willem B.God & co?: geloven in een technologische cultuur
Kohler, CharlesThe spiritual journey
Kylin, HelenWhen silence becomes singing: a study in perception and parable
Lacey, PaulLeading and being led
Lacey, Paul A.Education and the inward teacher
Lacey, Paul A.Leading and being led
Lacey, Paul A."
The authority of our meetings is the power of God"
Lacey, Paul A.The Unequal World We Inhabit: Quaker Responses to Terrorism and Fundamentalism
Lachmund, MargaretZum 80. Geburtstag Pyrmonter Jahresversammlung
Lacout, PierreGod Is SilenceQuaker Home Service
Lagerlof, S.; Meijboom, M.,; van Marken,  J.Christuslegenden
Lakey, GeorgeExploring nonviolent action: a guide to research
Lakey, GeorgeStrategy for non-violent revolution
Lakey, George, Afflicting the comfortableFellowship of Reconciliation, London
Lampen, Diana & JohnA guided Journey
Lampen, JohnWait in the Light. The spirituality of George FoxQuaker Home Service
Lantero, Erminie HuntressFeminine aspects of divinity
Lapide, PinchasDe Bergrede, utopie of program?
Leonard, David K.Christ and Jesus in early Qakerism
Leslie HillMarriage: a spiritual leading for Lesbian, Gay and Straight couples
Levering, RobertFriends and alcohol: recovering a forgotten testimony
Levi CoffinReminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed president of the underground ...
Library Committee Of The Religious Society Of Friends In Britain, Library of the Society of Friends (London Yearly Meeting)Your Meeting's Records: A Handbook for Clerks and Custodians of Records
de Ligt, BartNaar een vrije orde: bloemlezing uit de werken [samengesteld
Liem, AnnJacob Boehme: insights into the challenge of evil
Liere, Lucien MarcelWees niet bang: naar een oecumenische verklaring van rechtvaardige vrede
Lignac, DorisVerdieping en beweging
Limburg, RobNederlanders in den vreemde
Limburg, RobCultuurdragers in bewogen Tijden
Linn, Matthew Linn, DennisHealing life's hurts: healing memories through five stages of forgiveness
Littleboy, WilliamOur beloved dead
Littleboy, WilliamThe meaning and practice of prayer
Llanque, HippolitoSpreading the kingdom of God without words
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends), Société religieuse des Amis (Quakers), Centre Quaker InternationalFoi et pratique du Christianisme dans la Société religieuse des Amis (Quakers).
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).The Quaker peace testimony: a workbook for individuals and groupsCommunications and Fundraising Dept, Quaker Peace & Service. Peace Committee
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).Christian Faith and practice
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).!uaker work in 1978. Docs in advance pg 37-201
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations CommitteeViolence & oppression: a Quaker response
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Literature CommitteeA guide to Quaker literature
Lonsdale, KathleenScience and Quakerism
Louis, Jeanne Henriette; Héron, Jean-OlivierWilliam Penn et les quakers: ils inventÚrent le Nouveau Monde
Lugard,G. J.; Alma, H. W.Het landgoed Eerde
Lydia. Cope Wood Arbitration and Peace Society
van der Lely, E.H.F.Over de architectuur van de vrede in het atoomtijdperk: een sociologische ...
MacBride, SeĂĄnThe threat of nuclear war: illegality of deployment of nuclear weapons
Macmurray, JohnTo save from fear
Maddock, Keith R.Beyond the bars: a Quaker primer for prison visitors
Maddock, Keith R.Living Truth, a spiritual portrait of Pierre Ceresole
Manousos, A.Islam from a Quaker perspective
Marshall, JayQuaker contributions for the new millennium
Marti Lynn Matthews, Illinois Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)As if we are perfectly safe: on fear, faith and destiny
Martin, Marcelle R.Invitation to a deeper communion
Martin, Marcelle R.Holding one another in the light
Marwick, William HuttonQuaker social thought Friends Home Service Committee, Woodbrooke College (Birmingham, England)
Mather, Eleanore Price, Leach,Robert J., Brinton, Anna CoxQuaker classics in brief: Wm. Penn's No cross, No crown. Anna Cox Brinton ...
Matthews, GordonTrading for one EuropeQCEA
McDonald, RonLeadership among Friends
McGeorge, NicholasUn lot equitable pour les condamnés
McIver, Lucy ScreechfieldA song of death, our spiritual birth: a Quaker way of dying
McNeil, J. E.Military service and conscientious objectionWider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Meeting for SufferingsThe nature and variety of concern: the report of a working partyBYM
Meinkema, HannesDe heiligwording van Berthe Ploos: roman in verhalen
Meredith, R. G.,  Campbell M., Eric B. Pollard, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in AustraliaSoundings for goodwill: report of a delegation from Australia and New ...
Midgley, James HerbertMargaret Fell: (afterwards Margaret Fox), the mother of the early Quaker church
Mihalas, DimitriDepression and spiritual growth
Mock, Ron;Friends' struggles through the years Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Moir, Heather Catchpool; Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.), Being truthfulFriends World Committee for Consultation, Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Moltmann,JĂŒrgen, A. SchipperHeeft de moderne samenleving een toekomst?: een christelijke visie van hoop
Morlan, Charles P.Living a-top of the world: by Charles P. MorlanOhio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ). Representative Meeting
Morley, Frank VigorThe tailor of Mount Holly: John Woolman
Morrison, Mary ChaseThe way of the cross: the Gospel record
Morrison, Mary ChaseGift of days: report on an illness
Morse, David E.Testimony: John Woolman on today's global economy
Morton, PegWalk with me: nonviolent accompaniment in Guatemala
Mouthaan, Anneke Jos; Bart Nooy, Shulamith BambergerDe moed om te weigeren: Israelische reservisten weigeren dienst te doen in ...
Mtshazo, JoyceOne body with many parts
Murphy, Carol R.Man: the broken image
Murphy, Carol R.Milestone 70
Murray-Rust, David M.God in the universe: a twentieth-century Quaker looks at science and theology
Myers, William A.Replacing the warrior: cultural ideals and militarism
National Quaker men's fellowship, Richmond, IndianaQuaker Men Program Guide
Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. Generale SynodeHet vraagstuk van de kernwapen: noodzakelijke aanvulling van het herdelijk ...
Nesbitt, Eleanor M.Interfaith pilgrims: living truths and truthful living
New England Yearly Meeting of FriendsFaith and practice of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends: book of discipline
New England Yearly Meeting of FriendsFaith and practice of North pacific Yearly Meeting
Newell, Tim; Quaker Home ServiceForgiving justice: a Quaker vision for criminal justice
Newman, DaisyIndian summer of the heart
Newman, DaisyA procession of Friends: Quakers in America
Newman, DaisyA golden string
New Zealand Yearly Meeting of the Society of FriendsQuaker Faith and Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
Nichols, AnnThe golden age of Quaker botanists
Nicholson, S. FrancisQuaker money
Nicholson, Bertha MayMeditations on a D major scale
Niebuhr, Helmut RichardThe churches and the body of Christ
The arms race: a programme for world disarmament
Noordegraaf, Herman; de Bie, Peter; Nederland, Trudi;De kerk als vangnet?: verslag van een onderzoek naar individuele financiële ...
Noordegraaf, Herman; van Workum, JohanMaatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen: een nieuwe fase in het kapitalisme
North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1904- )Faith and practice: book of discipline
Nuhn, FernerThe shape of Quakerism in North America
O’Brien, Richard] BarryJohn Bright: A monograph. With a preface by Augustine Birrell
van Oeveren, B.Tekst voor tekst: de Heilige Schrift kort verklaard en toegelicht
O’Hatnick, Suzanne HubbardJourney to Bosnia, return to self
Olive Fyfe MunroGeorge Fox, 1624-1691: our living contemporary
Ostrom, WarrenIn God we live
Patricia LoringSpiritual discernment: the context and goal of clearness committees
Parsons, Barbara E.; Morrison, Mary ChaseLive the questions: write into the answers
Peck, George TerhuneWhat is Quakerism?: a primer
Peck, George TerhuneThe Psalms speak
Pegler, LindaTruth and Integrity: Six Interactive Study Sessions for Quaker Meetings
Penington, IsaacKnowing the mystery of life within: selected writings of Isaac Penington in ...
Penington, IsaacThe works of Isaac Penington: a minister of the Gospel in the ..., Volume 1
Penington, IsaacThe light within and selected writings of Isaac Penington
Penington, MaryExperiences in the life of Mary Penington
Peter WoodrowClearness: processes for supporting individuals and groups in decision making
Phillips, John B.Letters to young churches: A transl. of the New Testament epistles. With an ...
Pink Dandelion, BenAn introduction to Quakerism
Poley, Irvin Corson; Poley, Ruth VerlendenQuaker anecdotes
van der Post, LaurensPatterns of renewal
Prevallet, Elaine M.Interconnections
Punshon, JohnTestimony and tradition: some aspects of Quaker spirituality
Punshon, JohnThe second query. Do you seek Jesus?
Punshon, JohnPortrait in grey: a short history of the Quakers
Quaker Home ServiceQuaker Faith and Practice
Quaker Home Service, Society of Friends. London Yearly MeetingTo Lima with love: the response from the Religious Society of Friends in ...
Quaker Lesbian and Gay FellowshipPart of the rainbow: a plain Quaker look at lesbian, gay, and bisexual lives
Quaker Lesbian and Gay FellowshipSpeaking our truth: a plain Quaker's guide to lesbian and gay lives
Quaker Nuclear energy groupNuclear energy. Can we live with it? Can we live without it?
Quaker Peace & ServiceBridging the East-West divide
Quaker Peace & Social WitnessAffirming the light: ten stories of Quaker peace witness
Quaker Peace & Social WitnessAffirming the light: ten stories of Quaker peace witness
Quaker Peace & Social WitnessFaithful Deeds: A Rough Guide to the Quaker Peace Testimony
Quaker Resources for Learning, Quaker Home Service, Woodbrooke CollegeThe search for unity, and, Not in the way of the world: notes to accompany ...
Quaker Universalist FellowshipThe Quaker Universalist reader: a collection of essays, addresses and ...
Quaker Women's GroupBringing the invisible into the light: some Quaker feminists speak of their ...
Quaker Women's GroupI hope so. A collection of poems written by some members of the Quaker Women's group
Raad van KerkenOecumene daar waar je woontProtestantse Stichting tot Bevordering van het Bibliotheekwezen en de Lectuurvoorlichting in Nederland
Rack, PhilipQuakerism in the 21st century
Raistrick, ArthurDynasty of iron founders: the Darbys and Coalbrookdale
Raistrick, ArthurQuakers in Science and Industry
Ravndal, Janeal TurnbullA very good week behind bars
Reckman, Piet, ; Wentink, J.J.Vrede en verzoening
Rehard, Mary KayBringing God home. Exploring family spirituality
Richards, Edith Ryley PearsonPrivate view of a public man: the life of Leyton Richards
Richards, GeraldOn being incarnate: a Quaker view
Roberts, TrishMore than equals: spiritual friendships
Rochelle, Jay C.An attender at the altar: a sacramental Christian responds to silence
Romeny, H. J. ter HaarDe geschiedenis van de eerste Oecumenische Raad in Nederland, ook in zijn ...
Royston, Erica; Hay-Edie, DavidSwiss Quaker life, belief and thought
Russell, BertrandWhy I am not a ChristianNational Secular Society
Ruth M. FawellFacing old age with courage
van Rijsewijk, Joke Haverkorn; Bruyns, W. MorzerSluit tot vaste kring de handen: een geschiedenis van de Quakerscholen Eerde ...
van Ruller, SiboGenade voor recht: gratieverlening aan ter dood veroordeelden in Nederaland ...
SAYM North CarolinaA guide to our faith and our practice, southern Appalachian YM North Carolina
Schwabe, Calvin W.Quakerism and science
Schweitzer A., Crommelin H., Zwaan J.Het Christendom en de wereldgodsdiensten
Scully, Jackie LeachPlaying in the presence: genetics, ethics and spirituality
Seed, PhilipThe undefended: psychological aspects of the problem of disarmament and ...Friends Peace Committee (London, England)
Seeger, Daniel A.Silence: our eye on eternity
Seipp, KarlJohn Bellers: Ein Vertreter d. frĂŒhen QuĂ€kertums
Seipp, KarlJohn Bellers: Ein Vertreter d. frĂŒhen QuĂ€kertums
Selbie, William BoothbyBelief and Life: Studies in the Thought of the Fourth Gospel (1917)
Sessions, William H.More Quaker Laughter
Sessions, William HaughtonLaughter in Quaker grey
Sharman, Cecil W.George Fox & the Quakers
Sheean V., van Hall, H. S.India en de weg naar vrede
Smith, BradfordDear gift of life: a man's encounter with death
Smuck, HaroldFriends in East Africa
Social and economic Affairs Committee of Warwickshire MMTowards a constructive view of the economic situation.
Sölle, DorotheeWie zich niet weert: gesprekken en toespraken
Sölle, DorotheeMystiek en verzet: "gij stil geschreeuw"
Sox, DavidJohn Woolman: quintessential Quaker, 1720 to 1772
St. Teresa (of Avila)The life of Saint Teresa of Ávila by herself
Stamperius, HannemiekeGod verzameld
Steere, Douglas v.Gleanings: A Random Harvest
Steere, Douglas v.Prayer and worship
Steere, Douglas v.Prayer and worship
Steere, Douglas v.Work and contemplation
Steere, Douglas v.God's irregular: Arthur Shearly Cripps: a Rhodesian epic
Steere, Douglas v.; Horn, Helen SteereTraveling in
Sterling, OlmstedMotions of love: Woolman as mystic and activist
Stickelberger, Rudolf E.Der schiefergraue Engel: das Leben der QuÀkerin Elisabeth Fry
Stoller, TonyWrestling with the angel: Quaker engagement in commercial and public affairs
Swayne, Kingdon W.Stewardship of wealth
Sydney Dawson BaileyPeace is a process
Sammartino, H.Van lichtmatroos tot schrijver / druk 1
Sawtell, Roger; Sawtell, SusanReflections from a Long Marriage
Sharpless, IsaacThe Quaker boy on the farm and at school
Sims, Nicholas A.Quaker approaches to disarmament: what have we learned?
Snyder, Mary; Jesus, Who Was He?Friends General Conference (U.S.). Religious Education Committee
Sox, DavidQuakers and the arts: "plain and fancy", an Anglo-American perspective
Stamperius, H.Kleine theologie voor leken en ongelovigen
Steven, HelenNo extraordinary power: prayer, stillness and activism
Slaughter, Thomas P.The Natures of John and William Bartram
Taber, FrancesCome aside and rest awhile
Taber, William P.Four doors to meeting for worship
Taber, William P.The prophetic stream
Tamura, TeruyasuA Zen Buddhist encounters Quakerism
Taylor, Ernest E.The Valiant Sixty
Taylor, Hannah H.Three Hannahs
Tennyson, MargotFriends and Other FaithsQuaker Home Service
Thomas, AnneJustice, peace, and the integrity of creationFriends World Committee for Consultation. Section of the Americas
Thomas, Anne, Only fellow-voyagers: creation stories as guides for the journeyQuaker Home Service
Thomson-Wentholt, I.C.Hebreeuwse helden (nr. Rufus Jones)
Towards CommunityTowards community: some experiences and visions
Trevett, ChristineWomen and Quakerism in the 17th century
Trevett, Christine, Quaker Home ServicePrevious convictions and end-of-the-millennium Quakerism
Trueblood, EltonAlternative to futility
Tyzack, CharlesFriends to China: the Davidson brothers and the Friends' Mission to China ...
Veness, DoriDas sichtbare Verwandeln: ein Leben in Versunkenheit inmitten von ...
Vernon, AnneA Quaker business man: the life of Joseph Rowntree, 1836-1925
Vining, Elizabeth GrayQuiet pilgrimage
Vipont, Foulds ElfridaThe Quaker witness: yesterday and today
Vroemen, LiesbethSomeone had an idea, connecting vision and action in SCI
Vroemen, LiesbethWe kunnen pas echt geloven als we eraan beginnen
Walker, J.Conflicten geweldloos oplossen
Walker, JamieViolence and conflict resolution in schools: a study of the teaching of ...
Wallis, Jack H.Findings. An enquiry into Quaker religious experience.Quaker Home Service
Wallis, Jack H.Findings. An enquiry into Quaker religious experience.Quaker Home Service
Warren, Roland LeslieSearching for the real Jesus
Warren, Ronald L.Journey through skepticism
Warren, WillWill Warren; a scrapbook: a Quaker in Northern Ireland
Waterink, Jan; ed.Cultuurgeschiedenis van het christendom
Webster, LizMaking ends meet: a brief review of social security provisions in five ...
Weekley, Carolyn J.; Barry, Laura PassThe kingdoms of Edward Hicks
Weening, Hans; FWCC; Europe & Middle East SectionMeeting the spirit: an introduction to Quaker beliefs and practices
Weil, SimoneThe Iliad: or, The poem of force
Welsh, Anne MorrisonFire of the heart: Norman Morrison's legacy in Viet Nam and at home
West, JessamynExcept for me and thee: a companion to The friendly persuasion
White, Winifred M.Six Weeks Meeting, 1671-1971: three hundred years of Quaker responsibility
White, ZoeA Quaker theology of pastoral care: the art of the everyday
Whitmire, CatherinePlain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity
Wigham, Maurice J.The Irish Quakers: a short history of the Religious Society of Friends in ...
van der Wissel, FelixChristianity, does it have a founder?
Wijers, Boebs; Winslow, JackStille tijd als experiment: brieven aan zijn vrienden : in memoriam Jack Winslow
Wildwood, AlexA faith to call our own: Quaker tradition in the light of contemporary ...Quaker Home Service
Wilkinson, Amy Winifred CrampAn American-but different: a novel
Williams, Walter R.The Rich Heritage of Quakerism
Windsor, David BurnsThe Quaker enterprise: Friends in business
Wink, WalterViolence and nonviolence in South Africa: Jesus' third wayFellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.)
Wink, WalterThe powers that be: theology for a new millenium
van Wirdum-Banning, H.Willem Banning, 1888-1971: leven en werken van een religieus socialist
Wood, Jack V.Some Rural Quakers
Wood, Richard R.William Penn: a twentieth-century perspective
Wood, Eileen Living "with" Margaret FellSociety of Friends. Hardshaw West Monthly Meeting
Wood, H.G.Four tributes in honour of his 80th birthday
Woolman, JohnA plea for the poor
Woolman, John; ed. Moulton, Phillips P.The journal and major essays of John Woolman
Woolman, John; Jelsma, Auke; van den Berg, JanIn een bloedrode mist: het reisboek van John Woolman
Woolman, John; Pollat, Lili, Pollatz, ManfredFĂŒr die Armen!: Ein Ruf nach Gerechtigkeit
World gathering of young Friends 1985Let our lives speak
Worsdell, A. MargaretRemembering Woodbrooke
Wright, MyrtleNorwegian diary, 1940-1945
Yungblut, John R.Rediscovering prayer
Zaru, Jean; Eck, Diana L.Occupied with nonviolence: a Palestinian woman speaks
Zeyde vd, M.H.Vreugde van de psalmen
Zilverberg, S.B.Geloof en geweten in de 17e eeuw
The Fellowship HymnbookNovello & Comp.
Cantate DominoWorld Study Christian Federation
Cantate DominoWorld Study Christian Federation
Lebensbilder deutscher QuÀker wÀhrend der NS-Herrschaft 1933-45: Sammlung ...
A man and a school. A collection of papers about George A. Watson
From Friends with loveQuaker Committee for christian and inter faith relations 1995-1997
From Friends with loveQuaker Committee for christian and inter faith relations 1998-2002
Werk in uitvoering: (nieuwe bijbelvertaling).
Good business ethics at work. Advices and queries on personal standards of conduct at work.
Testimony concerning the life and service of Lucy Marian Burtt (1893-1968)
Lebensbilder deutscher QuÀker wÀhrend der NS-Herrschaft 1933-45: Sammlung ...
Friends in Madagascar
Quakers speak, First aid for new comers
Haagse Maandvergadering Raadgevingen en Vragen
This we can say: talking honestly about sex
Military service and conscientious objection
Gidsen En Getuigen Op de Pelgrimage Naar Vrede: Een Bundel Opstellen Ter ...
St. Giles Oxford RSOF 2008
Yearly Meeting of the RSOF (Quakers) in Britain 30 juli-6 aug 2011/ Epistles and testimonies
Yearly Meeting of the RSOF (Quakers) in Britain 30 juli-6 aug 2011/ Docuemnts in advance
Woodbrookers Barchem 1908-1983
Living witness. Sustainability toolkit. Becoming a low carbon sustainable community.

Wij staan met Frits ter Kuile

Vanaf 4 juli zit Frits ter Kuile voor 30 dagen in de gevangenis (JVA Wittlich, Duitsland) omdat hij in de zomer van 2018 met anderen een Onze Vader heeft gebeden op een atoombombunker op de vliegbasis BĂŒchel. Zowel met die actie als met de gevangenisstraf hoopt hij te waarschuwen voor de aanwezigheid van kernwapens in Europa en de dreigende komst van nieuwe.

Kernwapens zijn onder internationaal (oorlogs)recht verboden en zijn een bedreiging voor de schepping. Ter Kuile meent dat de weg van Jezus meer heil biedt: bidt voor wie u vervolgen, bezetten en onderdrukken. Overwin het kwade door het goede.