| | |
Aalders, C. | Onze Vader: over het volmaakte gebed | |
Abbott, Margery Post | An experiment in faith: Quaker women transcending differences | |
Adams, Tony | A far-seeing vision: the Socialist Quaker Society (1898-1924) | |
Alexander, Horace Gundry | Gandhi remembered | |
Alexander, Nancy C. | Practicing compassion for the stranger | |
Allen, Beth | Ground and spring: foundations of Quaker discipleship | |
Allen, Irene Allen | Quaker testimony | |
Allen, Richard | Silence and speech: an open letter to a newcomer | |
Alley, Elisabeth | A Light to Walk By: Anthology from and for Quakers of All Ages | |
Allott, Stephen | John Wilhelm Rowntree 1868-1905 and the beginnings of modern Quakerism | |
Alter, Robert;Â Kermode, Frank | The literary guide to the Bible | |
Ambler, R. A.;Â Quaker Home Service | The end of words: issues in contemporary Quaker theology | |
Ambler, Rex | The relevance of Gandhi in the West | |
American Friends Service Committee | Peace in Vietnam: a new approach in Southeast Asia | |
American Friends Service Committee | Indians of California. Past and present. | |
American Friends Service Committee | The United States and the Soviet Union: some Quaker proposals for peace | |
Anala, Sarah | The riches that are possible: the spiritual journey in one native experience | |
Anderson, Paul N. | Navigating the living waters of the Gospel of John: on wading with children ... | |
Anderson, V. B. | Friends and relations: three centuries of Quaker families | |
Andrews, Charles Freer | C. F. Andrews: representative writings | |
Anet, Daniel | Pierre Ceresole, passionate peacemaker | |
Anita Wuyts | Friendly advice on Quaker ways | |
Ansermoz-Dubois, Violette | Aux sources du quakerisme avec Margaret Fell-Fox | |
Ansermoz-Dubois, Violette | John Woolman, pĂšlerin de l'absolu | |
Ansermoz-Dubois, Violette;Â Monastier, HĂ©lĂšne | HĂ©lĂšne Monastier: salut & joie : centiĂšme anniversaire de sa naissance | |
Antoch, Robert; Religiösen Gesellschaft der Freunde (QuÀker) | Halte lieb deinen Genossen, dir Gleich: ICH bin's | |
Austin, Philip;Â Brockbank, Nova;Â Westgate, Caroline;Â | The peace papers | Northern Friends Peace Board |
Apsey, Lawrence S.;Â Bristol, James E.;Â Eppler, Karen | Transforming power for peace | Alternatives to Violence Project |
Arriens, Jan | Welcome to hell: letters and other writings by prisoners on death row in the ... | |
Arriens, Jan | Journeys in the Light | |
van As-Arioni, Antonie;Â OV-ACAT | Bidden met gemartelden | |
Australian Society of Friends Staff | This We Can Say: Australian Quaker Life, Faith and Thought | |
Arvio, Cynthia | Quakerism: a view from the backbenches | |
Backstrom, Kirsten | In beauty: a Quaker approach to end-of-life care | |
Bacon, Margaret Hope | Belief into action, action into belief: religious and political aspects of effective peacemaking | |
Baers, Joris | Encyclopedie van de mystiek: fundamenten, tradities, perspectieven | |
Bagley, Christopher | Community relations in the Netherlands - a model for Britain? | |
Bailey , J. E. Brenda | A Quaker couple in Nazi Germany: Leonhard Friedrich survives Buchenwald | |
Baillie, John | A diary of readings: being an anthology of pages suited to engage serious ... | |
Bakh, Emily Green | The holy fire | |
Balling, Pieter | Lyset pa Lysestaken (Het Licht op de kandelaar 1662) Met inleiding door Inez Boom | |
Banks, John;Â Weitsch, Martina | Meeting gay friends | |
Barclay, Christian | An introduction to the life and works of George Fox | |
Barclay, Robert | La lumiÚre intérieure, source de vie: Apologie de la vraie théologie ... | |
Barnes, Kenneth | Science, Poetry and the incarnation | |
Barnes, Kenneth C. | From chaos to creation: new thought in science and religion : reason for ... | |
Barrett, Lena | Voices from the shadows | |
Barry Morley | Beyond consensus: salvaging sense of the meeting | |
Bartlett, Percy W.;Â Savage, Eric W. | Towards a Quaker restatement | |
Bassuk, Daniel E. | Abraham Lincoln and the Quakers | |
Bedfordshire General Meeting (Society of Friends : Bedfordshire, England) | Inventing heaven?: Quakers confront the challenges of genetic engineering | |
Beerits, Henry C. | The United Nations and human survival | |
Beguin, Maz-Henri | La non-violence active | |
Behrend, Elise | Christliches Leben, Glauben und Denken in der Gesellschaft der Freunde ... | |
Bell, Colin W. | Where service begins: a talk to a group of Friends and non-Friends at ... | |
Bellers, John;Â Clarke, George | John Bellers: his life, times, and writings | |
Bender, Harold Stauffer;Â BrĂŒsewitz, Carl Friedrich; | De doperse visie | Â Doopsgezinde Vredesgroep |
Benson, Lewis | The Quaker vision | |
Benson, Lewis | Catholic Quakerism: a vision for all men | |
Benson, Lewis | Friends and the truth | |
Benson, Lewis | Prophetic Quakerism | |
Berg, M. | Waiting for justice: a survey of regimes and regulations for ..., Deel 2 | Quaker Council for European Affairs |
van den Berg, Bas; Nieuwerth, Kees | Gods vrede wint de strijd: over vredesgetuigenis en vredesbeleid | |
Bernadotte, Folke | Instead of arms: 2:nd impr | |
Bieber, Nancy | Communion for a Quaker, Volume 331 | |
Bielby, Morwenna Rayson | Lady in prison | |
Bien, Peter | Tempted by happiness: Kazantzakis' post-Christian Christ | |
Bien, Peter | Words, wordlessness and the word: silence reconsidered from a literary point ... | |
Bien, Peter | On retiring to Kendall (and beyond) | |
Birchard, Bruce | The burning one-ness binding everything: a spiritual journey | |
Birkel, Michael Lawrence | Mysticism and activism: learning from John Woolman | Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.), Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends |
Blackmar, Mary K. | The twofold Gospel | Â Friends General Conference (U.S.) |
Bleakley, David | Ireland and Britain 1690-1990: a search for peace | Â Fellowship of Reconciliation (Great Britain) |
Bleeke, Annis; Spencer, Carole | Identity, Authority and Community | |
Boeke-Cadbury, Beatrice | Het leven van Kees Boeke | |
Boeke, J.; Smit, C. | Inventarissen v.d. archieven v. Cornelis en Beatrice Boeke-Cadbury en de Werkplaats 1921-1984 | St. Beheer IISG |
Boeke, Kees; van Kampen, Lieuwe | De Wijdere Quakergemeenschap 1949-1990 | |
Boeke, Maya | Timber, herinneringen aan mijn bijzondere vriendschap met een wolf | |
Boerwinkel, F. | Kerk en secte | |
von Borries, Achim; Quaker Home Service, American Friends Service Committee | Quiet helpers: Quaker service in postwar Germany | |
Bok, Curtis | The United States and the Soviet Union: a report on the controlling factors ... | American Foundation. Committee on Russian-American Relations |
Boschma, Hilbrandt | Vergeving of vergelding | |
Bossert, Jeannette | India: land, people, and culture | |
Boulding, Elise | The joy that is set before us | |
Boulding, Elise;Â ClĂłvis BrigagĂŁo;Â Clements, Kevin P. | Peace culture and society: transnational research and dialogue | |
Boulding, Kenneth Ewart | Mending the world: Quaker insights on the social order | |
Boulding, Kenneth Ewart; | There is a spirit: the Nayler sonnets | Â AsociaciĂłn de Amigos de los Amigos |
Boulton, David; | The faith of a Quaker humanist | Â Quaker Universalist Group |
Bownas, Samuel | A description of the qualifications necessary to a gospel minister ... | |
Brayshaw, Shipley Neave | The total abolition of unemployment: an address to a conference of the ... | |
Bremer, H.; Buter, E.M. Sr., Franck, J.J.; de Graaf, J. | Geweldloze weerbaarheid [door H. Bremer, E.M. Buter Sr., J.J. Franck e.a ... | |
Brett, Bernard | A Passing Traveller: The Life of Bernard Brett (1935-1982) in His Own Words | |
Brett,Rachel; McCallin,Margaret Quaker United Nations Office
| Children the invisible soldiers | |
Breukel, Thom | Stilte atlas van Nederland: meer dan 100 plaatsen om tot rust te komen | |
Brimelow, E. M. | In and Out the Silence | |
Brimelow, M.Elizabeth | Friendly facers: talking over some Quaker advices | |
Brinton, Howard | Friends for 300 years: Beliefs & practice of society of friends since George ... | |
Brinton, H.H. | Historical update and notes: Margaret Hope Bacon | |
Brinton, Howard H. | Quaker Journals | |
Brinton, Howard Haines | The World Council and the creedless church | Â Friends General Conference (U.S.). Committee on Christian Unity |
Britain Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends) | Documents in advance, also including testimonies and epistles | |
Brown, Harrison;Â Real, James; | Community of fear | Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions |
Brown, Judith Reynolds | God's spirit in nature | |
Brown, Margaret; Boulding, Elise; DuBois, Rachel; Foulds, Elfrida; Hole, Helen; Jones, Mary Hoxie; Newman, Daisy; Vining, Elizabeth; Watson, Elizabeth | Nine contemporary Quaker Women Speak | |
Browne, Gordon M. | Today was the future yesterday | |
BrĂŒckner, Horst | ErfĂŒlltes Leben: dem GedĂ€chtnis von Emil Fuchs (13.5.1874-13.2.1971 ... | |
BrĂŒckner, Horst | Auf dass wir leben | |
Bryers, Philip | Quakers in Scotland: an anthology of the thoughts and activities of the ... | |
Buch, B. B. | November-Geschichten: [November-] Tales | |
Burger, H., Studenten, Dietsch Congress | Vrede en fierheid: toespraak ter gelegenheid van het zestiende Dietsch ... | |
Burtt, Lucy M. | Our Christian witness | |
Buscombe, Royal | A little lower than the angels | |
Buzzard, Anthony | Israel and the Arabs: the way forward ; including summary of the historic ... | |
Cadbury, Beatrice C. | Emma Richard Cadbury 1846-1907 | Private Edition |
Cadbury, Elizabeth Mary | Woodbrooke presidential address, 1927 | |
Cadbury, Henry Joel | The eclipse of the historical Jesus | |
Cadbury, Henry Joel | The book of Acts in history | |
Caspers, Lutz | "Uneben, gefĂ€hrdet, behĂŒtet": vom Mosaik meines Lebens | |
Campens, Mies | De Nederlandse archieven van het Intl. Instituut v. Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) | Van Gennep |
Carroll, Kenneth Lane | Touched by God in Quaker meeting | |
Carroll, Kenneth Lane | Touched by God in Quaker meeting | |
Carroll, Kenneth Lane | The creative centre of Quakerism | |
Cassirer, Heinrich Walter | God's new covenant: a New Testament translation | |
Catchpool, Corder | On two fronts: letters of a conscientious objector | |
Chakravarty, Amiya Chandra | The Indian testimony | |
Chandler, Sarah | The never broken treaty: Quaker witness and testimony on aboriginal title ... | |
Chance, Harold | The convenant of peace: a Jewish witness | Friends General Conference |
Chance, Harold | Brief discussion outline of the Historic peace testimony of the Religious ... | |
Chatterton, Arthur Joseph | The supreme friend: a prayer manual | |
Chignell, M. A. | The Universal Jesus | |
Clark, Joanna | Eminently Quakerly: The Building of Friends House | |
Clark, George | People, technology and unemployment: a brief study of the past, a look at ... | |
Cohen,John Michael;Â Phipps, J-F.;Â Franken, Vivian | De mystieke ervaring: belevingen van mystici en andere gewone mensen | |
Comfort, William Wistar | Just among Friends: the Quaker way of life | |
Conti-Entin, Carol | Improvisation & spiritual disciplines: continuing the divine-human duet | |
Conti, Angelina | Spirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices | |
Cooper, Wilmer Albert | A new people to be gathered in the power of the Lord | |
Cooper, Wilmer Albert | A living faith: an historical study of Quaker beliefs | |
Cooper, Wilmer Albert | The testimony of integrity in the religious Society of Friends | |
Coppock, Homer J. | The seed of God | |
Corbett, Jim | The sanctuary church | |
Court, Donald | Leading a double life | |
Cox, Gray | Bearing witness: Quaker process and a culture of peace | |
Crijns, H. | Barmhartigheid en gerechtigheid: handboek diaconiewetenschap | |
Cronk, Sandra Lee | Gospel order: a Quaker understanding of faithful church community | |
Crauderueff, Elaine J., Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Adult Religious Education Committee | Quakerism: experience it!--a curriculum for adults | |
Curle, Adam | Recognition of Reality | |
Curle, Adam | Tools for transformation: a personal study | |
Curo, Anne | Meditations on the prayer of St. Francis | |
Dale, Jonathan | Beyond the spirit of the age: Quaker social responsibility at the end of the ... | |
Dale, Jonathan | Quaker social testimony in our personal and corporate life | |
van Dalfsen, Gerardina Lucie | Van kleine lichtjes der bevrijding en het groote licht der liefde | |
Darlington, Derek en Rachel | Unemployment. What can we do? | |
Davis, Christine A.M. | Minding the Future | |
Dee, S.P.; Schoneveld, J. | Concordantie op het Oude en Nieuwe Testament / druk 1: in de NBG-vertaling | |
Dewes, Kate, Green, Robert | Aotearoa/New Zealand at the World Court | |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eberhard Bethge | Widerstand und Ergebung: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft | |
Dommen, Ădouard | Les Quakers | |
Dommen, Edward; | The peace testimony and violence in the world economy: some food for thought | Friends World Committee for Consultation. Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Doncaster, L. Hugh | The single woman in Society | |
Dorothy Nimmo, Sessions Book Trust | A testimony to the Grace of God in the life of James Nayler 1618-1660 | |
Dossor, Howard F. | The existential theology of Nikos Kazantzakis | |
Droog, Thea | Barend mini quasimodo, zeeman en avonturier | |
Drost, Jerome | Index of Pendle Hill pamphlets, 1934-1994 | |
Durham, Geoffrey | The Spirit of the Quakers | |
Durland, William R. | The apocalyptic witness: a radical calling for our own times | |
Duveneck, Josephine Whitney | Quest (five): personal religious thought | |
East Africa Yearly Meeting of Friends | The Society of Friends in East Africa | |
Eastland, Basil;Â Edwards, Derek;Â Sainty, David | Volunteers for peace: field reports on relief work in Europe, 1944 to 1949 ... | |
Eccles, Peter J.; | The presence in the midst: reflections on discernment |  Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Britain Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends) |
Eichenberg, Fritz | Artist on the witness stand | |
Elam, Jennifer | Dancing with God through the storm: mysticism and mental illness | |
Elford, Ricardo;Â Corbett, Jim | The servant church | |
Ellis, George | Faith, Hope and Doubt in Times of Uncertainty: Combining the Realms of ... | |
Ellwood, Gracia Fay | Batter my heart | |
Elzinga, Chris;Â Hogenhuis, C. T. | Grond onder onze voeten: christelijke spiritualiteit en intimiteit met de natuur | |
Enyart, Paul C. | Friends in Central America | |
Ehrhart, William Daniel | Going back: a poet who was once a marine returns to Vietnam | |
Etten, Henry Van | George Fox et les Quakers | |
Faber, Mient Jan | Dagboekaantekeningen | |
Fager, Charles Eugene | A man who made a difference: the life of David H. Scull | |
Farneth, Sally | Opening Doors to Quaker Worship | |
Farrow, Jo | The World in My Heart: A Personal Exploration of Spirituality and Awareness | |
Fast, Howard;Â Spaamer, Hannie | De huursoldaat | |
Fawell, Ruth M. | Courage to grow | |
Feagins, Mary E. B. | Tending the light | |
Fell-Fox, Margaret Askew | A sincere and constant love: an introduction to the work of Margaret Fell | |
Fernåndez G., Loida E. | Variations on a theme by Fox | Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Foster, Richard | Money, Sex and Power | |
Fox,Barclay, Brett, R. L. | Barclay Fox's journal | |
Fox, Caroline | The journals of Caroline Fox 1835-71: a selection | |
Fox, George | The works of George vol. 1 The Journal dl. 1 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 2 The Journal dl. 2 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 3 The great mystery | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 4 Doctrinals dl. 1 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 5 Doctrinals dl. 2 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 6 Doctrinals dl. 3 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 7 Epistles dl. 1 | |
Fox, George | The works of George Fox vol. 8 Epistles dl. 2 | |
Fox, George | The Journal of George Fox | ed. Rufus Jones |
Friends General Conference (U.S.) | A directory for traveling Friends 1994-1995 | |
Friends General Conference (U.S.). Religious Education Committee | Quakers on the move: a storybook of Quaker history from 1652 to today | |
Friedman, Maurice S. | The covenant of peace: a Jewish witness | |
Friends House (London, England) | Discussing alternatives to military intervention: reports from a Quaker ... | |
Friends House London | Quaker work in 1985, annual reports, testimonies | |
Friends World Committee for Consultation | Friends in Europe: handbook of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Europe | |
Friends World Committee for Consultation | In spirit and in truth: faith in action; studies in preparation for the ... | |
Friends World Committee for Consultation | Faith in action: encounters with friends : report from the Fifth World ... | |
Friends World Committee for Consultation | Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends | |
Fry, Joan M. | Suggested thoughts on Paul's letters to Christians in Rome. | Fry London |
Fardelmann, Charlotte | Sink down to the seed | |
Faulkner, Hugh | Christ - Power and peacemaker | |
Finch, Suzanne | A Quaker testimony to the earth? Is there a new Quaker testimony evolving ... | |
Fisher, Simon | Spirited living: waging conflict, building peace | |
Flannery, Maureen A. | Profession and practice: Quaker perspectives on healing ministry | |
Fritsche, Herbert | Aus der Gnadegeschichte einer StÀtte | |
Fromm, Erich | War within man: a psychological enquiry into the roots of destructiveness; a ... | |
Fry, Anna Ruth | Three visits to Russia, 1922-1925 | |
Gallery, John Andrew | Reflections from a prayer vigil for peace | |
Gates, Tom | Sickness, suffering, and healing: more stories from another place | |
Gates,Tom;Â Gates, Liz | Stories from Kenya | |
Gates, Tom; Gates, Liz; Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Teach me your way, oh Lord | Friends World Committee for Consultation. |
Garver, Newton;Â Reitan, Eric | Nonviolence and community: reflections on the Alternatives to Violence Project | |
General Meeting for Australia, | The Quaker way | Education Committee |
Gilman, Harvey ed. | The outreach manual | |
de Graaf, Johannes | De weg van de vrede: balans van een kwart eeuw vredeswerk | |
Grabandt, Leonard ; Gottlieb Christiaan | Christelijke traditie als grensverkeer: oecumenisch leren in opvoeding ... | Werkgroep Godsdienstige Vorming |
Graham, John William | Friedenshelden im Weltkrieg ; Graham, John W[illiam] ; Die Geschichte d ... | |
Graham, Maureen | Women of power and presence: the spiritual formation of four Quaker women ... | |
Green, Thomas Farrimond | Christian affirmations in a changing world | |
Greenwood, Ormerod | William Blake as prophet | |
Grubb, Edward | The Bible; its nature and inspiration | |
Grubb, Mollie | Quakers observed in prose and verse: an anthology, 1656-1986 | |
Greenwood, O., Wynn-Wilson, A. | The Quaker tapestry: a celebration of insights | |
Gibbins, Margaret S. | Sucht, Findet, Teilt: jetzt ist die Zeit | |
de Graaf, Hannes;Â Tichelaar, Paul A.;Â Zeldenrust, Harry | In dienst van de vrede: Opstellen bjeengebracht ter gelegenheid van de ... | |
Groeneveld, Frits;Â BrĂŒsewitz, C. F. | Van Elspeet naar Mennorode: hoe een broederschapshuis voort-bouwt | |
Groom, D. G. | The peace testimony today: a study outline prepared by Donald Groom for the ... | London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations Committee |
Grubb, Edward | Das Wesen des QuÀkertums | Eugen Diederichs Jena 1923 |
Grundy, Martha Paxson | Tall poppies: supporting gifts of ministry and eldering in the monthly meeting | |
Gwyn, Douglas | Unmasking the idols: a journey among Friends | |
Gwyn, Douglas | Seekers found: atonement in early Quaker experience | |
Hadley, Herbert M., | Quakers world wide: a history of Friends World Committee for Consultation | Friends World Committee for Consultation |
Halle, Anna Sabine | "Thoughts are free": a Quaker youth group in Nazi Germany | |
Halle, Anna Sabine | "Die Gedanken sind frei ..." Eine Jugendruppe d. Berliner QuÀker, 1935-1941 | |
Halliday, Robert | Mind the oneness | |
Harnden, Phil | Letting That Go, Keeping This: The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Fritz Eichenberg | |
Harris, Henry Wilson | Caroline Fox: With five illustrations and a map | |
de Hartog, Jan | De kinderen | |
Hayden, Judith | In search of Margaret Fell | |
Heales, Brenda Clifft;Â Cook, Chris | Images and silence: the future of Quaker ministry | |
Heath, Carl | The Free Spirit | |
Heath, Effie Margaret | The story of Lucy Stone: pioneer | |
Heath, Harriet | Answering that of God in our children | |
Heathfield, Margaret | Being together: our corporate life in the Religious Society of Friends | |
Hegde, Pandurang | Chipko and Appiko: how the people save the trees | |
Helmut Ockel, Helga Tempel | Radikale Hoffnung: Stimmen zur Friedenshaltung deutscher QuÀker heute | |
Hermann, Eva | In prison - yet free | Friends Home Service Committee |
Heron, Alastair | Gifts and Ministries: Discussion Paper on Eldership | |
Heron, Alastair | The Quakers: yesterday, today and - tomorrow? | Quaker Outreach in Yorkshire |
Heron, Alastair | Quakers in Britain: a century of change 1895-1995 | |
Heron, Alastair | Now we are Quakers: the experience and views of new members | |
Heron,Alastair, Quaker Home Service, Woodbrooke College | Caring, conviction, commitment: dilemmas of Quaker membership today | |
Hetherington, Ralph | Universalism and spirituality | |
Hewison, H. | Hedge of wild almonds: South Africa, the Pro-Boers & the Quaker conscience ... | |
Hewitt, Joan | Lending a hand in Holland in 1945-1946 | |
Hillegass, Robert W. | Nonviolence on trial | |
Hinshaw, David (1882) | Rufus Jones, Master Quaker | |
Hobday, Teresa | Rediscovering Prayer: Chloe Meets Priscilla | |
Hobling, Margaret Blanche | God's control of nature and history. Daily bible reading notes | |
Holden, David E. W. | Friends divided: conflict and division in the Society of Friends | |
Horn, Helen Steere | There is a fountain: a Quaker life in process | |
Hostetter, C. Douglas | The Bosnian Student Project: a response to genocide | |
Hubbard, Geoffrey | Patterns and Examples: Quaker Attitudes and European Opportunities | |
Hudson, W. H. | Whittier and His Poetry | |
Huisman, Evert A. | Naar een cultuur van vrede en geweldloosheid: conflicten geweldloos oplossen | |
Halle, Olga | Was vesteht man unter einer QuÀkergruppe? | |
Hatton, Jean | George Fox: The Founder of the Quakers | |
Heath, Carl | Religion und öffentliches leben | |
Hendrikse, K. | Geloven in een God die niet bestaat: manifest van een atheĂŻstische dominee | |
Henslowe, Philip | Ninety years on: an account of the Bournville Village Trust | |
Heron, Alastair; | Dilemmas of Quaker membership today | Quaker Resources for Learning |
Hilsley, William | When joy and pain entwine: reminiscences | |
Hobbs, Marian; Mouana, Bakamana; Valentine, Lonnie; | Being faithful witnesses to our Friends peace testimony: serving God in a ... |  Friends World Committee for Consultation. Triennial Meeting, Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Holtom, Pleasance | The gift of God which is within thee | |
Holtzappfel, K.; van Leeuwen, M. | De Remonstrantie 400 jaar: ontstaan, historie, actualiteit | |
Houtepen, A.; Noordegraaf, H.; Bosman-Huizinga, M. | Waakvlam van de Geest: 40 jaar Raad van Kerken in Nederland | |
Howard R. Macy | Rhythms of the Inner Life | |
Howard, Elizabeth Fox | Das Wirken der QuÀker wÀhrend der Kriegszeit | |
Hoyer, W.G.;Â Hubbeling, H.G. | Drie wijzen van geloven | |
Hutchinson, Dorothy Hewitt, Friends General Conference (U.S.) | Friends and service | |
IJspeert, M. | De quakers / druk 1 | |
Inja, Cor | Geen cel ketent deze dromen: een dagboek over ideaal en werkelijkheid van de ... | |
Institute of Quaker Studies | The three m's of Quakerism: meeting - message - mission | Earlham School of Religion (Richmond, Ind.). |
Ishitani, Susumu | Self-giving love. From an address on justice, peace and integrity of creation | |
Jahn, Gunnar; Cadbury, Henry; Backhouse, Margarete | Drawing on source eternal. Lectures given on the occasion of the Nobel Peace prize to the RSoF | |
Johnson, Stanley | Quaker work for prisoners of war in South-West France 1945-1948 | |
Johnstone, Kenneth; | Britain and the Common Market: a Christian view | British Council of Churches. Dept. of International Affairs, Conference of British Missionary Societies |
de Jonge, Marinus | Jezus als Messias: hoe Hij zijn zending zag | |
Jones, Rufus Matthew | Geistige Reformatoren: des Sechzehnten und Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts | |
Jones, Mary Hoxie | Satisfied to see, poetry. | |
Jones, Mary Hoxie | Beyond this stone | |
Jones, R.M.;Â Mok, D. | De Quakers. beeld van een kleine humanitaire religie met grote invloed ... | |
Jones, Rufus ; Gummere, Amelia M.;Â Sharpless, Isaac | The Quakers in the american colonies | |
Jones, Rufus Matthew | George Fox: Seeker and Friend | |
Jordan, Ann | Hidden Voices: Working Creatively with Conflict | |
Kavanagh, Jennifer | Call of the Bell Bird: A Quaker Travels the World | |
Kavanagh, Jennifer | New Light: 12 Quaker Voices | |
Keane, Sheila | Prayer: beginning again | |
Kelly, Thomas R. | A Testament of Devotion | |
Kelly, Thomas Raymond | The eternal promise: a sequel to A testament of devotion | |
Kelly, Thomas Raymond | The light within: from A testament of devotion | |
Kelly, Thomas Raymond | The simplification of life | |
Kelsey, Morton T. | A little child shall lead them | |
Kenworthy, Leonard Stout | Sixteen Quaker leaders speak | |
Kenworthy, Leonard Stout | Quakerism, a study guide on the Religious Society of Friends | |
Kilpack, Gilbert | The radiance and risks of mythmaking | |
King, Martin Luther (Pfarrer, BĂŒrgerrechtler), Martin Luther King (Pastor, Civil rights activist), Martin Luther King (Pasteur, DĂ©fenseur des droits de l'homme) | Stride toward freedom: the Montgomery story | |
Kirkby, Joanna | The two oceans: the dark and the light | |
Knockwood, Noel | Where words come from | |
Knowles, Pat | Servas, 1949 - 1989: an experiment in peace building | Â Servas (Organization) |
Koelega, Dick;Â Drees, Willem B. | God & co?: geloven in een technologische cultuur | |
Kohler, Charles | The spiritual journey | |
Kylin, Helen | When silence becomes singing: a study in perception and parable | |
Lacey, Paul | Leading and being led | |
Lacey, Paul A. | Education and the inward teacher | |
Lacey, Paul A. | Leading and being led | |
Lacey, Paul A. | "âŠThe authority of our meetings is the power of God" | |
Lacey, Paul A. | The Unequal World We Inhabit: Quaker Responses to Terrorism and Fundamentalism | |
Lachmund, Margaret | Zum 80. Geburtstag Pyrmonter Jahresversammlung | |
Lacout, Pierre | God Is Silence | Quaker Home Service |
Lagerlof, S.;Â Meijboom, M.,; van Marken, Â J. | Christuslegenden | |
Lakey, George | Exploring nonviolent action: a guide to research | |
Lakey, George | Strategy for non-violent revolution | |
Lakey, George, | Afflicting the comfortable | Fellowship of Reconciliation, London |
Lampen, Diana & John | A guided Journey | |
Lampen, John | Wait in the Light. The spirituality of George Fox | Quaker Home Service |
Lantero, Erminie Huntress | Feminine aspects of divinity | |
Lapide, Pinchas | De Bergrede, utopie of program? | |
Leonard, David K. | Christ and Jesus in early Qakerism | |
Leslie Hill | Marriage: a spiritual leading for Lesbian, Gay and Straight couples | |
Levering, Robert | Friends and alcohol: recovering a forgotten testimony | |
Levi Coffin | Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed president of the underground ... | |
Library Committee Of The Religious Society Of Friends In Britain, Library of the Society of Friends (London Yearly Meeting) | Your Meeting's Records: A Handbook for Clerks and Custodians of Records | |
de Ligt, Bart | Naar een vrije orde: bloemlezing uit de werken [samengesteld | |
Liem, Ann | Jacob Boehme: insights into the challenge of evil | |
Liere, Lucien Marcel | Wees niet bang: naar een oecumenische verklaring van rechtvaardige vrede | |
Lignac, Doris | Verdieping en beweging | |
Limburg, Rob | Nederlanders in den vreemde | |
Limburg, Rob | Cultuurdragers in bewogen Tijden | |
Linn, Matthew Linn, Dennis | Healing life's hurts: healing memories through five stages of forgiveness | |
Littleboy, William | Our beloved dead | |
Littleboy, William | The meaning and practice of prayer | |
Llanque, Hippolito | Spreading the kingdom of God without words | |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends), Société religieuse des Amis (Quakers), Centre Quaker International | Foi et pratique du Christianisme dans la Société religieuse des Amis (Quakers). | |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). | The Quaker peace testimony: a workbook for individuals and groups | Communications and Fundraising Dept, Quaker Peace & Service. Peace Committee |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). | Christian Faith and practice | |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). | !uaker work in 1978. Docs in advance pg 37-201 | |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations Committee | Violence & oppression: a Quaker response | |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Literature Committee | A guide to Quaker literature | |
Lonsdale, Kathleen | Science and Quakerism | |
Louis, Jeanne Henriette;Â HĂ©ron, Jean-Olivier | William Penn et les quakers: ils inventĂšrent le Nouveau Monde | |
Lugard,G. J.;Â Alma, H. W. | Het landgoed Eerde | |
Lydia. Cope Wood Arbitration and Peace Society | | |
van der Lely, E.H.F. | Over de architectuur van de vrede in het atoomtijdperk: een sociologische ... | |
MacBride, SeĂĄn | The threat of nuclear war: illegality of deployment of nuclear weapons | |
Macmurray, John | To save from fear | |
Maddock, Keith R. | Beyond the bars: a Quaker primer for prison visitors | |
Maddock, Keith R. | Living Truth, a spiritual portrait of Pierre Ceresole | |
Manousos, A. | Islam from a Quaker perspective | |
Marshall, Jay | Quaker contributions for the new millennium | |
Marti Lynn Matthews, Illinois Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends) | As if we are perfectly safe: on fear, faith and destiny | |
Martin, Marcelle R. | Invitation to a deeper communion | |
Martin, Marcelle R. | Holding one another in the light | |
Marwick, William Hutton | Quaker social thought |  Friends Home Service Committee, Woodbrooke College (Birmingham, England) |
Mather, Eleanore Price, Leach,Robert J., Brinton, Anna Cox | Quaker classics in brief: Wm. Penn's No cross, No crown. Anna Cox Brinton ... | |
Matthews, Gordon | Trading for one Europe | QCEA |
McDonald, Ron | Leadership among Friends | |
McGeorge, Nicholas | Un lot equitable pour les condamnés | |
McIver, Lucy Screechfield | A song of death, our spiritual birth: a Quaker way of dying | |
McNeil, J. E. | Military service and conscientious objection | Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Meeting for Sufferings | The nature and variety of concern: the report of a working party | BYM |
Meinkema, Hannes | De heiligwording van Berthe Ploos: roman in verhalen | |
Meredith, R. G.,  Campbell M., Eric B. Pollard, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia | Soundings for goodwill: report of a delegation from Australia and New ... | |
Midgley, James Herbert | Margaret Fell: (afterwards Margaret Fox), the mother of the early Quaker church | |
Mihalas, Dimitri | Depression and spiritual growth | |
Mock, Ron; | Friends' struggles through the years | Â Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
Moir, Heather Catchpool; Wider Quaker Fellowship (Philadelphia, Pa.), | Being truthful | Friends World Committee for Consultation, Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends |
Moltmann,JĂŒrgen, A. Schipper | Heeft de moderne samenleving een toekomst?: een christelijke visie van hoop | |
Morlan, Charles P. | Living a-top of the world: by Charles P. Morlan | Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ). Representative Meeting |
Morley, Frank Vigor | The tailor of Mount Holly: John Woolman | |
Morrison, Mary Chase | The way of the cross: the Gospel record | |
Morrison, Mary Chase | Gift of days: report on an illness | |
Morse, David E. | Testimony: John Woolman on today's global economy | |
Morton, Peg | Walk with me: nonviolent accompaniment in Guatemala | |
Mouthaan, Anneke Jos; Bart Nooy, Shulamith Bamberger | De moed om te weigeren: Israelische reservisten weigeren dienst te doen in ... | |
Mtshazo, Joyce | One body with many parts | |
Murphy, Carol R. | Man: the broken image | |
Murphy, Carol R. | Milestone 70 | |
Murray-Rust, David M. | God in the universe: a twentieth-century Quaker looks at science and theology | |
Myers, William A. | Replacing the warrior: cultural ideals and militarism | |
National Quaker men's fellowship, Richmond, Indiana | Quaker Men Program Guide | |
Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. Generale Synode | Het vraagstuk van de kernwapen: noodzakelijke aanvulling van het herdelijk ... | |
Nesbitt, Eleanor M. | Interfaith pilgrims: living truths and truthful living | |
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends | Faith and practice of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends: book of discipline | |
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends | Faith and practice of North pacific Yearly Meeting | |
Newell, Tim;Â Quaker Home Service | Forgiving justice: a Quaker vision for criminal justice | |
Newman, Daisy | Indian summer of the heart | |
Newman, Daisy | A procession of Friends: Quakers in America | |
Newman, Daisy | A golden string | |
New Zealand Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends | Quaker Faith and Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand | |
Nichols, Ann | The golden age of Quaker botanists | |
Nicholson, S. Francis | Quaker money | |
Nicholson, Bertha May | Meditations on a D major scale | |
Niebuhr, Helmut Richard | The churches and the body of Christ | |
Philip | The arms race: a programme for world disarmament | |
Noordegraaf, Herman; de Bie, Peter; Nederland, Trudi; | De kerk als vangnet?: verslag van een onderzoek naar individuele financiële ... | |
Noordegraaf, Herman;Â van Workum, Johan | Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen: een nieuwe fase in het kapitalisme | |
North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1904- ) | Faith and practice: book of discipline | |
Nuhn, Ferner | The shape of Quakerism in North America | |
OâBrien, Richard] Barry | John Bright: A monograph. With a preface by Augustine Birrell | |
van Oeveren, B. | Tekst voor tekst: de Heilige Schrift kort verklaard en toegelicht | |
OâHatnick, Suzanne Hubbard | Journey to Bosnia, return to self | |
Olive Fyfe Munro | George Fox, 1624-1691: our living contemporary | |
Ostrom, Warren | In God we live | |
Patricia Loring | Spiritual discernment: the context and goal of clearness committees | |
Parsons, Barbara E.;Â Morrison, Mary Chase | Live the questions: write into the answers | |
Peck, George Terhune | What is Quakerism?: a primer | |
Peck, George Terhune | The Psalms speak | |
Pegler, Linda | Truth and Integrity: Six Interactive Study Sessions for Quaker Meetings | |
Penington, Isaac | Knowing the mystery of life within: selected writings of Isaac Penington in ... | |
Penington, Isaac | The works of Isaac Penington: a minister of the Gospel in the ..., Volume 1 | |
Penington, Isaac | The light within and selected writings of Isaac Penington | |
Penington, Mary | Experiences in the life of Mary Penington | |
Peter Woodrow | Clearness: processes for supporting individuals and groups in decision making | |
Phillips, John B. | Letters to young churches: A transl. of the New Testament epistles. With an ... | |
Pink Dandelion, Ben | An introduction to Quakerism | |
Poley, Irvin Corson;Â Poley, Ruth Verlenden | Quaker anecdotes | |
van der Post, Laurens | Patterns of renewal | |
Prevallet, Elaine M. | Interconnections | |
Punshon, John | Testimony and tradition: some aspects of Quaker spirituality | |
Punshon, John | The second query. Do you seek Jesus? | |
Punshon, John | Portrait in grey: a short history of the Quakers | |
Quaker Home Service | Quaker Faith and Practice | |
Quaker Home Service, Society of Friends. London Yearly Meeting | To Lima with love: the response from the Religious Society of Friends in ... | |
Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship | Part of the rainbow: a plain Quaker look at lesbian, gay, and bisexual lives | |
Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship | Speaking our truth: a plain Quaker's guide to lesbian and gay lives | |
Quaker Nuclear energy group | Nuclear energy. Can we live with it? Can we live without it? | |
Quaker Peace & Service | Bridging the East-West divide | |
Quaker Peace & Social Witness | Affirming the light: ten stories of Quaker peace witness | |
Quaker Peace & Social Witness | Affirming the light: ten stories of Quaker peace witness | |
Quaker Peace & Social Witness | Faithful Deeds: A Rough Guide to the Quaker Peace Testimony | |
Quaker Resources for Learning, Quaker Home Service, Woodbrooke College | The search for unity, and, Not in the way of the world: notes to accompany ... | |
Quaker Universalist Fellowship | The Quaker Universalist reader: a collection of essays, addresses and ... | |
Quaker Women's Group | Bringing the invisible into the light: some Quaker feminists speak of their ... | |
Quaker Women's Group | I hope so. A collection of poems written by some members of the Quaker Women's group | |
Raad van Kerken | Oecumene daar waar je woont | Protestantse Stichting tot Bevordering van het Bibliotheekwezen en de Lectuurvoorlichting in Nederland |
Rack, Philip | Quakerism in the 21st century | |
Raistrick, Arthur | Dynasty of iron founders: the Darbys and Coalbrookdale | |
Raistrick, Arthur | Quakers in Science and Industry | |
Ravndal, Janeal Turnbull | A very good week behind bars | |
Reckman, Piet, ; Wentink, J.J. | Vrede en verzoening | |
Rehard, Mary Kay | Bringing God home. Exploring family spirituality | |
Richards, Edith Ryley Pearson | Private view of a public man: the life of Leyton Richards | |
Richards, Gerald | On being incarnate: a Quaker view | |
Roberts, Trish | More than equals: spiritual friendships | |
Rochelle, Jay C. | An attender at the altar: a sacramental Christian responds to silence | |
Romeny, H. J. ter Haar | De geschiedenis van de eerste Oecumenische Raad in Nederland, ook in zijn ... | |
Royston, Erica; Hay-Edie, David | Swiss Quaker life, belief and thought | |
Russell, Bertrand | Why I am not a Christian | National Secular Society |
Ruth M. Fawell | Facing old age with courage | |
van Rijsewijk, Joke Haverkorn; Bruyns, W. Morzer | Sluit tot vaste kring de handen: een geschiedenis van de Quakerscholen Eerde ... | |
van Ruller, Sibo | Genade voor recht: gratieverlening aan ter dood veroordeelden in Nederaland ... | |
SAYM North Carolina | A guide to our faith and our practice, southern Appalachian YM North Carolina | |
Schwabe, Calvin W. | Quakerism and science | |
Schweitzer A., Crommelin H., Zwaan J. | Het Christendom en de wereldgodsdiensten | |
Scully, Jackie Leach | Playing in the presence: genetics, ethics and spirituality | |
Seed, Philip | The undefended: psychological aspects of the problem of disarmament and ... | Friends Peace Committee (London, England) |
Seeger, Daniel A. | Silence: our eye on eternity | |
Seipp, Karl | John Bellers: Ein Vertreter d. frĂŒhen QuĂ€kertums | |
Seipp, Karl | John Bellers: Ein Vertreter d. frĂŒhen QuĂ€kertums | |
Selbie, William Boothby | Belief and Life: Studies in the Thought of the Fourth Gospel (1917) | |
Sessions, William H. | More Quaker Laughter | |
Sessions, William Haughton | Laughter in Quaker grey | |
Sharman, Cecil W. | George Fox & the Quakers | |
Sheean V., van Hall, H. S. | India en de weg naar vrede | |
Smith, Bradford | Dear gift of life: a man's encounter with death | |
Smuck, Harold | Friends in East Africa | |
Social and economic Affairs Committee of Warwickshire MM | Towards a constructive view of the economic situation. | |
Sölle, Dorothee | Wie zich niet weert: gesprekken en toespraken | |
Sölle, Dorothee | Mystiek en verzet: "gij stil geschreeuw" | |
Sox, David | John Woolman: quintessential Quaker, 1720 to 1772 | |
St. Teresa (of Avila) | The life of Saint Teresa of Ăvila by herself | |
Stamperius, Hannemieke | God verzameld | |
Steere, Douglas v. | Gleanings: A Random Harvest | |
Steere, Douglas v. | Prayer and worship | |
Steere, Douglas v. | Prayer and worship | |
Steere, Douglas v. | Work and contemplation | |
Steere, Douglas v. | God's irregular: Arthur Shearly Cripps: a Rhodesian epic | |
Steere, Douglas v.;Â Horn, Helen Steere | Traveling in | |
Sterling, Olmsted | Motions of love: Woolman as mystic and activist | |
Stickelberger, Rudolf E. | Der schiefergraue Engel: das Leben der QuÀkerin Elisabeth Fry | |
Stoller, Tony | Wrestling with the angel: Quaker engagement in commercial and public affairs | |
Swayne, Kingdon W. | Stewardship of wealth | |
Sydney Dawson Bailey | Peace is a process | |
Sammartino, H. | Van lichtmatroos tot schrijver / druk 1 | |
Sawtell, Roger;Â Sawtell, Susan | Reflections from a Long Marriage | |
Sharpless, Isaac | The Quaker boy on the farm and at school | |
Sims, Nicholas A. | Quaker approaches to disarmament: what have we learned? | |
Snyder, Mary;Â | Jesus, Who Was He? | Friends General Conference (U.S.). Religious Education Committee |
Sox, David | Quakers and the arts: "plain and fancy", an Anglo-American perspective | |
Stamperius, H. | Kleine theologie voor leken en ongelovigen | |
Steven, Helen | No extraordinary power: prayer, stillness and activism | |
Slaughter, Thomas P. | The Natures of John and William Bartram | |
Taber, Frances | Come aside and rest awhile | |
Taber, William P. | Four doors to meeting for worship | |
Taber, William P. | The prophetic stream | |
Tamura, Teruyasu | A Zen Buddhist encounters Quakerism | |
Taylor, Ernest E. | The Valiant Sixty | |
Taylor, Hannah H. | Three Hannahs | |
Tennyson, Margot | Friends and Other Faiths | Quaker Home Service |
Thomas, Anne | Justice, peace, and the integrity of creation | Friends World Committee for Consultation. Section of the Americas |
Thomas, Anne, | Only fellow-voyagers: creation stories as guides for the journey | Quaker Home Service |
Thomson-Wentholt, I.C. | Hebreeuwse helden (nr. Rufus Jones) | |
Towards Community | Towards community: some experiences and visions | |
Trevett, Christine | Women and Quakerism in the 17th century | |
Trevett, Christine, Quaker Home Service | Previous convictions and end-of-the-millennium Quakerism | |
Trueblood, Elton | Alternative to futility | |
Tyzack, Charles | Friends to China: the Davidson brothers and the Friends' Mission to China ... | |
Veness, Dori | Das sichtbare Verwandeln: ein Leben in Versunkenheit inmitten von ... | |
Vernon, Anne | A Quaker business man: the life of Joseph Rowntree, 1836-1925 | |
Vining, Elizabeth Gray | Quiet pilgrimage | |
Vipont, Foulds Elfrida | The Quaker witness: yesterday and today | |
Vroemen, Liesbeth | Someone had an idea, connecting vision and action in SCI | |
Vroemen, Liesbeth | We kunnen pas echt geloven als we eraan beginnen | |
Walker, J. | Conflicten geweldloos oplossen | |
Walker, Jamie | Violence and conflict resolution in schools: a study of the teaching of ... | |
Wallis, Jack H. | Findings. An enquiry into Quaker religious experience. | Quaker Home Service |
Wallis, Jack H. | Findings. An enquiry into Quaker religious experience. | Quaker Home Service |
Warren, Roland Leslie | Searching for the real Jesus | |
Warren, Ronald L. | Journey through skepticism | |
Warren, Will | Will Warren; a scrapbook: a Quaker in Northern Ireland | |
Waterink, Jan; ed. | Cultuurgeschiedenis van het christendom | |
Webster, Liz | Making ends meet: a brief review of social security provisions in five ... | |
Weekley, Carolyn J.;Â Barry, Laura Pass | The kingdoms of Edward Hicks | |
Weening, Hans;Â FWCC; Europe & Middle East Section | Meeting the spirit: an introduction to Quaker beliefs and practices | |
Weil, Simone | The Iliad: or, The poem of force | |
Welsh, Anne Morrison | Fire of the heart: Norman Morrison's legacy in Viet Nam and at home | |
West, Jessamyn | Except for me and thee: a companion to The friendly persuasion | |
White, Winifred M. | Six Weeks Meeting, 1671-1971: three hundred years of Quaker responsibility | |
White, Zoe | A Quaker theology of pastoral care: the art of the everyday | |
Whitmire, Catherine | Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity | |
Wigham, Maurice J. | The Irish Quakers: a short history of the Religious Society of Friends in ... | |
van der Wissel, Felix | Christianity, does it have a founder? | |
Wijers, Boebs;Â Winslow, Jack | Stille tijd als experiment: brieven aan zijn vrienden : in memoriam Jack Winslow | |
Wildwood, Alex | A faith to call our own: Quaker tradition in the light of contemporary ... | Quaker Home Service |
Wilkinson, Amy Winifred Cramp | An American-but different: a novel | |
Williams, Walter R. | The Rich Heritage of Quakerism | |
Windsor, David Burns | The Quaker enterprise: Friends in business | |
Wink, Walter | Violence and nonviolence in South Africa: Jesus' third way | Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) |
Wink, Walter | The powers that be: theology for a new millenium | |
van Wirdum-Banning, H. | Willem Banning, 1888-1971: leven en werken van een religieus socialist | |
Wood, Jack V. | Some Rural Quakers | |
Wood, Richard R. | William Penn: a twentieth-century perspective | |
Wood, Eileen | Living "with" Margaret Fell | Society of Friends. Hardshaw West Monthly Meeting |
Wood, H.G. | Four tributes in honour of his 80th birthday | |
Woolman, John | A plea for the poor | |
Woolman, John;Â ed. Moulton, Phillips P. | The journal and major essays of John Woolman | |
Woolman, John;Â Jelsma, Auke;Â van den Berg, Jan | In een bloedrode mist: het reisboek van John Woolman | |
Woolman, John; Pollat, Lili, Pollatz, Manfred | FĂŒr die Armen!: Ein Ruf nach Gerechtigkeit | |
World gathering of young Friends 1985 | Let our lives speak | |
Worsdell, A. Margaret | Remembering Woodbrooke | |
Wright, Myrtle | Norwegian diary, 1940-1945 | |
Yungblut, John R. | Rediscovering prayer | |
Zaru, Jean;Â Eck, Diana L. | Occupied with nonviolence: a Palestinian woman speaks | |
Zeyde vd, M.H. | Vreugde van de psalmen | |
Zilverberg, S.B. | Geloof en geweten in de 17e eeuw | |
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| The Fellowship Hymnbook | Novello & Comp. |
| Cantate Domino | World Study Christian Federation |
| Cantate Domino | World Study Christian Federation |
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| Lebensbilder deutscher QuÀker wÀhrend der NS-Herrschaft 1933-45: Sammlung ... | |
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| A man and a school. A collection of papers about George A. Watson | |
| From Friends with love | Quaker Committee for christian and inter faith relations 1995-1997 |
| From Friends with love | Quaker Committee for christian and inter faith relations 1998-2002 |
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| Werk in uitvoering: (nieuwe bijbelvertaling). | |
| Good business ethics at work. Advices and queries on personal standards of conduct at work. | |
| Testimony concerning the life and service of Lucy Marian Burtt (1893-1968) | |
| Lebensbilder deutscher QuÀker wÀhrend der NS-Herrschaft 1933-45: Sammlung ... | |
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| Friends in Madagascar | |
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| Quakers speak, First aid for new comers | |
| Haagse Maandvergadering Raadgevingen en Vragen | |
| This we can say: talking honestly about sex | |
| Military service and conscientious objection | |
| Gidsen En Getuigen Op de Pelgrimage Naar Vrede: Een Bundel Opstellen Ter ... | |
| St. Giles Oxford RSOF 2008 | |
| Yearly Meeting of the RSOF (Quakers) in Britain 30 juli-6 aug 2011/ Epistles and testimonies | |
| Yearly Meeting of the RSOF (Quakers) in Britain 30 juli-6 aug 2011/ Docuemnts in advance | |
| Woodbrookers Barchem 1908-1983 | |
| Living witness. Sustainability toolkit. Becoming a low carbon sustainable community. | |